Denver-based Alpine Access, a provider of virtual call center services, said Wednesday that it is in a "major" contract expansion with one of its customers, a gaming console company. According to Alpine Access, its expanded contract with the firm is worth nearly $30M over the next two years. The firm is providing advanced technical support and issue resolution services to its customer. Alpine Access said the expanded contract comes as a result of initial launch success with the un-named client. Alpine Access said it has hired more than 200 at-home professionals since the second quarter of this year to service the contract, and that the new contract more than doubles the size of the program.
posted on Thursday, August 12, 2010 Related companies: Alpine Access Related stories: > Alpine Access Expands In Canada > HiveLive Signs Alpine Access > Alpine Access Has Big Expansion Plans > Alpine Access Expands, Hiring In Denver Technology Center > Alpine Access Ramps Hiring Plans Home