Startup Colorado To Fund Startup Communities, Events

In an effort to ramp up the entrepreneurship community in Colorado, Startup Colorado announced today that it will invest $200,000 in local events, programs, and activities in Colorado to spur entrepreneurship and startup communities in the state.

According to Startup Colorado, the new Startup Colorado Community Fund, is aimed at helping entrepreneurs to invest in the "startup community of tomorrow", including making mentor hours, pitchfests, coffee clubs, speaker series, and other programs more prevalent in the Colorado startup community--and put the community on the map. The fund said it will make grants across Colorado, with a focus on creating a "connective fabric" between the Front Ranges core cites, Denver, Boulder, Ft. Collins and Colorado Springs.

The new fund is being supported financially by Brad Feld, Foundry Group; Jim Franklin, SendGrid; Ryan Martens, Rally Software; Nancy Phillips, Viawest; Steve Halstedt, Centennial Ventures; Libby Cook, Founder, Sunflower Markets; Jim Deters, Galvanize; Bob Ogdon, SwiftPage; and Dan Caruso, Zayo Group.

posted on Wednesday, July 24, 2013

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StartUp App, Inc.

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