Webroot is in a big deal today with social networking site
Facebook, with a deal to help provide its security products to users of Facebook. According to Webroot, the partnership involves both notification via its URL classification service when users click on a link on their Facebook newsfeed, as well as the ability for users to access it Webroot SecureAnywhere cloud product through Facebook's AV marketplace. Financial impact of the deal was not detailed. The addition of Webroot's URL classification services to Facebook should help the social networking site reduce malware and virus activity on the site; recently, viruses have been taking advantage of the popularity of Facebook to trick users into clicking URLs which infect their computer with spyware, viruses, or other malware. Webroot's URL Classification Service scores URLs for their likelihood of containing malware or other unwanted content. Webroot is based in Broomfield, Colorado.
posted on Tuesday, October 16, 2012
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