Thursday, November 2, 2017
TeamSnap: We Added More Than 150,000 Teams In Q3
Boulder-based sports management software provider TeamSnap is reporting big growth in its business, saying that it added more than 150,000 new teams to its platform in the third quarter--a 42 percent increase compared to the same, three month period for the company last year. TeamSnap did not say how many of those teams had signed on to its free version of its service, or its premium offerings. TeamSnap also did not say how many of those teams it added as a result of its acquisition of Korrio in August. TeamSnap provides only limited functionality with its free accounts, with only up to 30 members of a team, and no email reminders or storage. The company's premium accounts run from $9.99 per month for a team to $17.99 per month depending on the size of a team and additional features. TeamSnap says it has more than 1 million teams and 15 million users on its service.