Monday, September 25, 2017
weBoost Rolls Out New, In-Vehicle 4G Cell Phone Booster
St. George, Utah-based wireless products maker weBoost has launched a new, 4G cell phone booster intended to help users very easily extend their 4G LTE and 3G cellular signals. According to weBoost, its new Drive Sleek includes an in-car cradle, which bosts the signal of mobile phones for users in the U.S. and Canada. The new device provides up to 23 decibels of increased signals from cell phones, which weBoost says is the maximum the FCC allows. weBoost says it is targeting the new dvice for cars, vans, RVs, and boats. The new Drive Sleek unit costs $199.99. weBoost's devices are particularly popular with travelers or users in more rural areas, where cell signals are spotty, and also in areas with a high number of "dead zones".