Wednesday, October 18, 2006
DARPA Grand Challenge Names Local Track B Teams
DARPA has named the second set of teams that are competing for its 2007 Urban Challenge robotic vehicle contest, saying today that it has added another seventy-eight teams that are taking on its robotic vehicle race contest next year. The 75 teams are on top of an existing 11 Track A teams that the agency is funding with up to $1M each to compete in the event. Regional area Track A teams include Team Autonomous Solutions, based in Young Ward, Utah and Team Scorpion, based in Tucson, Arizona. The Team B teams include Mojavaton, Grand Junction, CO; Sandy, Utah-based Team Juggernaut; BYUC, out of Provo, UT; "A Bunch of Dropouts" from Kingman, AZ; The University of Utah; and PHD (Programmers Hate Driving) of Phoenix, Arizona.