Tendril: We're On OUTSIDE's 2015 Best Places To Work List
Boulder-based Tendril said today that it has made OUTSIDE Magazine's Best Places to Work List for 2015. The list--which has yet to be published online--ranks the top 100 companies that combine "work and play", and traditionally has been dominated by companies in the Rocky Mountain region. Tendril was on the list last year, along with Namaste Solar, ShipCompliant, FullContact, Slice of Lime, Datalogix, TrainingPeaks, SolidFire, Balihoo, TrackVia, RoundPegg, Readytalk, Zen Planner, and Sphero, along with countless other Colorado, Utah, Idaho, New Mexico, Montana, and other companies outside of technology.
posted on Monday, November 16, 2015

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