APconnections Offers Hardware Via Lease
In a move to make it easier for customers to buy its products, Lafayette, Colorado-based APconnections said it is making its NetEqualizer bandwidth shaping devices available via a monthly lease. The program essentially makes APconnections' hardware available on a month-to-month basis, converting what would normally be a large hardware purchase commitment into something along the lines of a subscription. According to APconnections, its new lease program allows customers to start using its hardware without an upfront cash commitment, and just need to pay a simple monthly fee to use that hardware. Users can return the hardware at any time, and the company will refresh and upgrade the hardware for its users on a regular basis. The move reflects the popularity of monthly subscription access to such things as software, which has made it easier for software-as-a-service companies to penetrate the market.
posted on Thursday, July 18, 2013

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